Introducing: A Day in the Life of Session

A Day in the Life of | Jessica Blaine Smith

I have got something new cooking up for me with my photography and I am so excited to talk about it! A Day in the Life of. I have been photographing families, kids and babies for a long while now and it’s great. I love it. I love photographing those little beings knowing how quickly they will grow up and suddenly they’ll be regular adults out in the world. It’s awesome. Often times, I would go to my client’s home and spend an hour with them making portraits and it would be fun and together we would get some great images. But then I would drive away in my car and feel that there was something missing. That I hadn’t had time to get to the guts of the family and those wild little humans. A proper portrait is great for many reasons and has it’s purpose. It’s great to have proof of what you look like at a certain time and to have that perfect image to hang in a frame or to give to the grandparents. Something proper to have for later on. But, the true essence of your family and your life at home isn’t captured there. The goofy expressions, the different moods, the way you go about your day and live in this world. All of that is not in that standard portrait.

So I want more. I want to capture your family as it is and to do this, I introduce to you my: A Day in the Life of sessions. These sessions are pure documentary and there are no formal portraits made. They are candid moments captured of your family and your home life. The resulting images are true to your family and are an incredible momento to have for later on when everyone is grown and your family has evolved. These images make my heart sing and I am so excited to delve into this area of photography.

Here is the D family. Four daughters ranging from ages seven to two. I loved spending the day with them.

A Day in the Life of | Jessica Blaine SmithA Day in the Life of | Jessica Blaine SmithA Day in the Life of | Jessica Blaine SmithA Day in the Life of | Jessica Blaine SmithA Day in the Life of | Jessica Blaine SmithA Day in the Life of | Jessica Blaine SmithA Day in the Life of | Jessica Blaine SmithA Day in the Life of | Jessica Blaine SmithA Day in the Life of | Jessica Blaine SmithA Day in the Life of | Jessica Blaine SmithA Day in the Life of | Jessica Blaine SmithA Day in the Life of | Jessica Blaine SmithA Day in the Life of | Jessica Blaine Smith

To view a more complete story of this day, please click on the video below.

Based in Toronto, Canada | Passport ready for travel.