New Portraits on Sweet Potato Chronicles

Sweet Potato Chronicles | Jessica Blaine Smith

The lovely ladies at Sweet Potato Chronicles have launched their new website and in one word it is INCREDIBLE! I first met Ceri and Laura many years ago when they were fancy fashion editor/writers. Once they started having kids, their life focus changed and as a result, they left those lives to launch (and live out!) Sweet Potato Chroniclesthe never ending story of the well-fed family.  SPC has grown since it’s beginning and I am so proud of these ladies for taking a chance on this project and making it into such a success. A couple of weeks ago they came by the studio to update their portraits. I have lost track of how many times I have photographed these two but every time we have a lot of fun.

Please do check out the SPC site – in fact, you should make it a regular in your daily website visits. I recently read an article in the NY Times about health and a part of it is something that has really stuck with me:

“Far too many people, though, can manage to find an hour or more in their day to drive to the gym, exercise and then clean up afterward — but complain that there’s just no time to cook or prepare a healthful, home-cooked meal. If they would spend just half the time they do exercising trying to make a difference in the kitchen, they’d most likely see much better results.”

Taking the time to cook healthy meals leaves to living healthier lives. And SPC proves that doing so can be fun and easy.

Have a fun, healthy and happy long weekend everyone!

Sweet Potato ChroniclesSweet Potato Chronicles | Jessica Blaine SmithSweet Potato Chronicles | Jessica Blaine Smith

Based in Toronto, Canada | Passport ready for travel.