Six Month Old Portraits of Aylish (and her family), Christie Pits, Toronto

Six Month Old Portrait | Jessica Blaine Smith

Aylish is six months old! You may remember Aylish newborn portrait session that I did at her home and they were also the winners of my Big, Bad, Sick of Winter Photo Contest. This time around, we met at Christie Pits in Toronto for their session. The little lady is sitting on her own which is a great age to have documented. Her older sister Yshia was as hilarious as ever for this session. I particularly love the series of images near the end of this post where she was moving like an octopus. The best part about photographing people is letting their true personalities show!Six Month Old Portrait | Jessica Blaine SmithSix Month Old Portrait | Jessica Blaine SmithSix Month Old Portrait | Jessica Blaine SmithSix Month Old Portrait | Jessica Blaine SmithSix Month Old Portrait | Jessica Blaine SmithSix Month Old Portrait | Jessica Blaine SmithSix Month Old Portrait | Jessica Blaine Smith

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