Category Archives: Portrait

Author Portraits at my Studio, Toronto

I am often asked about what kind of photography I do and my reply is usually: “anything with people”. While I photograph a lot of kids, babies, families and weddings, I also photograph a lot of other  people for other purposes whether is be corporate headshots of an entire firm or a single portrait that someone...

Editorial | My Portraits in Money Sense Magazine!

When I am not busy photographing weddings and families, I am doing a lot of editorial and corporate portraits. When photographing for a magazine, it’s always fun to see how they end up using your photos. Here are some of my recent images that can found in the latest issue of Money Sense Magazine. The people that...

Portrait Posing Tips with Kim D’Eon

Sometimes my camera takes me to some fun and interesting places. I was recently asked by The Loop to do a video with Kim D’Eon to give some tips for how to pose in portraits. Although I was pretty nervous about being on camera, working with Kim and the crew made it a lot of...

Based in Toronto, Canada | Passport ready for travel.